Archive for October, 2008

Fedora 9 Would Cost $10.8B To Build From the Scratch –

October 24, 2008


“The Linux Foundation’s recently released report claims, ‘… it would take approximately $10.8 billion to build the Linux community distribution Fedora 9 in today’s dollars with today’s software development costs.’ The article states why this might actually understate the value of the distros, though, since it doesn’t include the power of the brand and the goodwill value. ‘There were several approaches that the Linux Foundation employed to reach the $10.8 billion dollar figure, including calculating the number of lines of code in Fedora 9 (204,500,946), and using an average programmer’s salary of $75,662.08 — as determined by the US Department of Labor — to measure development costs … On the balance sheets of Coca Cola and many other huge corporations, you find goodwill listed as a major asset.'”

Arcade Project

October 24, 2008

The students of the LUX (Pós-graduate) course are working in a group project called “Arcade Project Open Source”.

The project is coordinated by Professor Murray in the subject XWN740.

The main idea of the project is to build a arcade box using only opensource tools and games.

Informations about the project can be found in the following addresses:

Ideas are very welcome……..


Compiling the Linux Kernel

October 11, 2008

Compiling your Linux kernel allows you to customize your system and save a lot of resources (memory, cpu, etc..). Nowadays the Linux Operational System has support for everything, but I believe none of us have all of the supported hardware like for example “amateur radio”.

Then a good choice is to remove all the unnecessary modules. Removing unneeded stuff will allow you to have a smooth operational experience once your system will be so much faster just processing what is really need to be processed.

To build the kernel is necessary to have the package kernel-devel (yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`).

#make oldconfig
Save your old configuration file in the file .config

#make mrproper

#make menuconfig
#make xconfig
Guide you to make the configuration file to be used in the compilation process

#make dep
Make dependencies

#make clean
Clean objects and other stuff leaved by the old kernel

After setting up all of your personal configurations, execute make compile the kernel.

#make modules_install

create initial ram disk image
#mkinitrd -k vmlinuz-2.6.26 -i initrd-2.6.26

Update GRUB
#vi /boot/grub/menu.lst



Creating a RPM package for Clam Antivirus – FC9

October 5, 2008
#useradd clamav
#yum install rpmdevtools
#su - clamav

The following directory structure will be created:

     /   /      |    \      \

Create a spec file in the folder ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/clam.spec. After that use rpmlint to check the spec file.

$rpmlint clam.spec

To create a src package
$rpmbuild -bs clam.spec

To create a binary file
$rpmbuild -ba clam.spec

Now if it was successful you will have a binary rpm or src.rpm in the directory:

The packages are available in the following addresses:
